Thursday, April 14, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award!

OMG I GOT MY FIRST AWARD! I am so proud to be receiving the Versatile Blogger Award!

I cannot believe this. I was thrilled to get this- especially from such a great blogger. Brandy from Newly Crunchy Mama of 3 passed this award on to me. I absolutely love Brandy's blog. Also, she is just so freaking sweet. I know previously I have mentioned how nice she is- but of course, I'm telling you all again :) My mother did a giveaway for Jewels for Hope on her blog- and talked Brandy's ear off. I felt so bad! ha ha. But Brandy was so sweet and nice and didn't scream at this crazy woman (my mother) to say stop talking to me!

Newly Crunchy Mama of 3 has the best giveaways on her blog also. And really, I'm not saying that because my company sponsored one ha ha. She has such a diverse readership that I think anyone can find her blog entertaining. Check it out!

Now... On to the rules- because occasionally I do follow the rules.

  • Thank the person who awarded you.
  • Divulge 7 things about yourself.
  • Award 15 deserving bloggers.

7 things about me (this should be interesting....)

1. I have a gambling problem. I big gambling problem. It's not one of those sick problems like I go and max out my credit cards and spend thousands of dollars on the tables. I feel my problem may be a little worse because I only pay the slots. And usually its the penny slots. and I STILLLL loose hundreds of dollars. haha But it makes me happy.... so it can't be that bad, right?

2. I absolutely hate the smell of rain/water. I know, it's very strange because a lot of people love that smell. But even when I'm brushing my teeth- I can't leave the water running because I just can't stand that smell. yuck.

3. I can quote almost every episode of Will & Grace and The Golden Girls. My bestie, Paul, also knows every episode. When I make jokes and reference one of these shows- he usually finishes my sentence and says the next line. Yes, it is weird for people who don't know these shows- but I'm fine with being a tad bit weird :)

4. At my last job, in a call center, every day without fail someone would ask me if I was a man. Mind you, this would be after 20 minutes of talking to them. Since I am a nice person and like to make my co-workers smile, whenever someone would ask me this over the phone- I would scream back into the phone (so everyone in the call center would hear) "YES SIR, I AM A WOMAN. I AM NOT A MAN". Everyone in the call center loved that.

5. My room is filled with tons and tons of books. I have 5 bins along with a huge bookcase of books. I love reading- and usually end up re-reading the books I have 10x each. They make me happy.

6. I watch Jerseylicious. I know, it's such bad television. But I can't help it. Actually, my fiance got me hooked on it. Yea- HE WATCHES IT! At least that makes me feel a little better at least lol.

7. I threw up 20x a day for 8 months last year (and gained weight from it) because the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Turns out, my gal bladder wasn't functioning. I had it removed and now I am muchhh better thank god! But, now I am prepared for morning sickness once I'm pregnant. That is what I kept telling myself for the 8months of vomitting haha.

Now... 15 bloggers who deserve this award!

1. 2 Many Cupcakes
2. Simply Heather
3. Cupcakes and Corsets
4. Chantilly Songs
5. Cafe Fashionista
6. 504 Main
7. Bridal Gown Blog
8. Glitz & Grime
9. One Thrifty Gurl
10. Pearls and Pink Polka Dots
11. Pixie Mama
12. Shrink to Fit
13. The Socialite's Closet
14. A Blog from Blackpool
15. Blonde Episodes

Check out the blogs! You'll love them <3


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog today! So, you threw up for 8 months, and water makes you nauseous. Yup, you're prepared for pregnancy!;)

  2. I'm going to Atlantic City tomorrow.... Penny slots here I come!!!
    Congrats on your award :)

  3. Congrats on your award. If i can go your home, I will read all your books (even my room full of books)

  4. Thank you so much for thinking of me honey! I'm so honored...congrats on your award!!!!!! Kori xoxo

  5. Thank you, thank you for the award - you're such a sweetheart.

    BTW...I'm with you on the book front. I basically have my own library in my bedroom!! :P

  6. Thank you everyone :) :)

    I'm glad you all get to know a little bit about me now too- even if it is all the addictions I have hahahaha :)

  7. wow, thank you for the award! i will blog about this later...

