Well, when I got the chance to review Five Finger Tees, I JUMPED FOR JOY! It brought me back to my younger days. I spent at the very least, an hour browsing through their website just looking at all the ridiculously funny shirts they have to offer. I finally found my perfect shirt. It was love at first sight really.. This is the amazing shirt I got to review:
HAHAHAHAHA. My fiance really didn't find this shirt as amusing as I did- but oh well, I had to have it! I love the fact that this is going to be true for us. The groom in the shirt looks so sad.
This shirt really is just perfect for me. When I received it in the mail I was at first a little hesistant to put it on. You never know when you pick out a shirt in your size if it actually is "your size". With the way clothes are made now-a-days everything is actually 10x smaller then the size it says. Well, this was a true size and fit me PERFECTLY. It wasn't too tight and it didn't make me feel hot. You know those kinds of shirts I'm talking about- that even though they fit you, you still feel like you have to rip it off of you to be able to breathe.
Five Finger Tees has such an assortment of funny shirts I think anyone with an ounce of humor in them will love these hysterical sayings. Some other hysterical shirts they have?
If only I were Irish... ha ha.
Five Finger Tees has been kind enough to be one of my amazing sponsors for the I Love My Daddy Giveaway Event! WOO HOO!!!! I am thrilled to have them participate in this! Be sure to check back on June 15th to see what they could possibly be giving away!!!
I want the Irish one, badly, my game has been over for years...:D